For the Florence-Rome high-speed line, which was completed in 1991, the FS procured the ETR 500 from a consortium called TREVI. This has power cars at both ends and is designed for a top speed of 300 km/h. Since this line is operated with 3,000 volts direct current and therefore the total transferable power is limited, the first series trains, known as “Monotensione”, only reached 250 km/h.
From the year 2000 onwards, additional power cars were built that are multi-system capable for new high-speed lines with 25 kV alternating current and are therefore referred to as “Politensione”. Some of these received the trailers of first generation trains, while the older power cars are used with conventional IC cars up to 200 km/h. The newer trains now run in the Frecciarossa train type.