The Štrba–Štrbské Pleso rack railway in the High Tatras, after its modernization, needed modern railcars in the 1960s. The Ski World Cup in 1970 was a decisive factor here. Since Czechoslovakia did not have the know-how to build these vehicles and had better connections to the West than other countries in the Eastern Bloc, the three sets could be ordered from SLM in Switzerland.
The sets each consist of a four-axle motor car and a four-axle control car. They have many similarities to the railcars of the Arth-Rigi railway, but here the end walls between the two vehicles were straight for a better look. On the motor car, one axle in each bogie is equipped with a 170 kW electric motor with cogwheel drive.
From 1988 the vehicles were listed as class 405.95. In 1993 they were transferred to the Slovakian State Railways and were used there for a long time without major modernization. Their use ended in July 2020 with the start of renewed modernization of the line. Modern Stadler railcars from the class 495.95 are being used there since February 2022.