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German Reichsbahn Panorama railcars 137 240, 462 and 463
German Federal Railway VT 905
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Germany | 1936
3 produced
137 463 in 1939 in Dresden
137 463 in 1939 in Dresden
Georg Otte / collection M. Hengst

The popularity of the two “Glass Trains” ET 91 prompted the Reichsbahn to also order the diesel-powered panorama railcar 137 240 from Fuchs in Heidelberg. It had a similar structure to the ET 91 and was powered by two DWK boxer engines. The engines, along with some other aggregates, were mounted in an auxiliary frame to transmit less noise and vibrations to the passenger compartment. Thanks to the lack of roof equipment compared to the electric multiple unit, the roof was designed to be openable and the frame was reinforced to compensate the lower strength of the roof. The benches were designed with movable backrests so that the passengers could sit in both directions of travel.

Since the design made a good impression, two more examples with the numbers 137 462 and 137 463 were put into service in 1939. One vehicle did not survive the Second World War, the other two were taken over by the Bundesbahn as VT 90 500 and 501. They received new engines and brakes from 1953 and were based in Cologne and Stuttgart. From there they made excursions in a large area until they were retired in 1960 and 1962.

Built1936, 1939
ManufacturerWaggonfabrik Fuchs
Axle config 
Gauge4 ft 8 1/2 in (Standard gauge)
Dimensions and Weights
Length72 ft 11 9/16 in
Wheelbase57 ft 5 in
Rigid wheelbase9 ft 10 1/8 in
Service weight97,003 lbs
Adhesive weight57,320 lbs
Axle load28,660 lbs
Power Plant
Power sourcediesel-hydraulic
Top speed75 mph
Engine type2x 8-cyl. boxer diesel
Engine output355 hp (265 kW)
Calculated Values
tourist train
last changed: 02/2022
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