After the class 35a, the Südbahn had ten other very similar locomotives built by Sigl in Wiener Neustadt. Since the 35a was said to have a boiler “overflowing” with tubes, the 35c received fewer heating tubes. The tube heating area fell from 159 to 138 square meters, while the grate area remained unchanged and the area of the firebox hardly changed. In addition, they were fitted with a Le-Chatelier-Ricour countersteam brake.
After the First World War, two came to the Italian State Railways, where they became Gruppo 454. The rest all came first to the state of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and were later classified by the JDŽ, just like their predecessors, in the class 132. Thus, the BBÖ did not receive any members of this class at all.