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South Manchurian Railway Pashiko class
China Railway SL5
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Manchuria | 1927
11 produced
No. 292 in the Shenyang Steam Locomotive Museum
No. 292 in the Shenyang Steam Locomotive Museum
Manfred Kopka

When the power and speed of the existing Pacific locomotives were no longer sufficient, the development of more powerful locomotives was started. In 1927, locomotive designer Nobutarō Yoshino had just returned to Japan from the United States after spending some time at ALCO. Based on his findings, the Pashiko class was developed and eleven copies were built at the Shahekou plant in Dalian.

On the one hand, power was increased by enlarging the firebox and cylinders, as was common in the USA at the time. In addition, modern construction principles were used, which included a boiler with a combustion chamber and a stoker. The top speed was increased in line with the increase in output thanks to a ten centimeter larger diameter of the coupled wheels

On the South Manchurian Railway they pulled the most important express trains. This included the train between Dalian and Changchun, which completed the route in two hours less with this locomotive. They were only surpassed by the Pashina class streamlined Pacifics. After the Second World War, the Chinese State Railways classified them as class SL5. They initially pulled passenger trains and individual vehicles could still be observed around 1980 in use for minor tasks.

Axle config4-6-2 (Pacific) 
Gauge4 ft 8 1/2 in (Standard gauge)
Dimensions and Weights
Service weight225,621 lbs
Adhesive weight140,941 lbs
Fuel capacitycoal
Grate area51.9 sq ft
Power Plant
Driver diameter72.84 in
Boiler pressure203 psi
Expansion typesimple
Cylinderstwo, 23 x 27 15/16 in
Power sourcesteam
Estimated power2,414 hp (1,800 kW)
Optimal speed44 mph
Starting effort35,024 lbf
Calculated Values
steam locomotive
Nobutarō Yoshino
last changed: 03/2022
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